This state of affairs suggests a definition of the role of the individual, or the self, in knowledge; namely, the redirection, or reconstruction of accepted beliefs. Every new idea, every conception of things differing from that authorized by current belief, must have its origin in an individual. New ideas are doubtless always sprouting, but a society governed by custom does not encourage their development. On the contrary, it tends to suppress them, just because they are deviations from what is current. The man who looks at things differently from others is in such a community a suspect character; for him to persist is generally fatal.
Monday, 24 March 2008
John Dewey: The Individual and the World
This state of affairs suggests a definition of the role of the individual, or the self, in knowledge; namely, the redirection, or reconstruction of accepted beliefs. Every new idea, every conception of things differing from that authorized by current belief, must have its origin in an individual. New ideas are doubtless always sprouting, but a society governed by custom does not encourage their development. On the contrary, it tends to suppress them, just because they are deviations from what is current. The man who looks at things differently from others is in such a community a suspect character; for him to persist is generally fatal.
Sunday, 16 March 2008
The Azores Summit: Still Lying After All These Years
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Big Media Interlocks With Corporate America by Peter Philips
However, mainstream media no longer produce news for the mainstream population—nor should we consider the media as plural. Instead it is more accurate to speak of big media in the US today as the corporate media and to use the term in the singular tense—as it refers to the singular monolithic top-down power structure of self-interested news giants.
Read more.
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Saturday, 1 March 2008
The United States of America: On The Road To Martial Law
The above is an excerpt from a February 4th article co-written by Dan Hamburg (a former Congressman and Executive Director of Voice of the Environment) and Lewis Seiler (President of Voice of the Environment) published in the San Fransisco Chronicle. The article, Rule by fear or rule by law?, is an all too rare instance of the corporate media acknowledging the threat the US government and its corporate masters are now more than ever posing to the US populous. The threat is clear: it's of the implimentation of martial law in the United States of America.
The camps refered to above (with the capacity to hold many hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions) are being built below the radar of the corporate press. So, too, is the legislation being brought in that gives the federal government the authoirty to detain pretty much anyone it likes, without trial, and to hold them indefinately:
The threat of martial law being implimented in the US isn't a matter of opinion based on a biased interpretation of cherry picked facts. It's real and it's detailed in a plethora of laws and executive orders that, under the right conditions (such as after an attack on US soil), will grant the president all the authority and control of a military dictator; even the ability to launch nuclear strikes at will. Comparisons with Hitler and the Nazi's are simply accurate and factual. For instance consider the following, which were detailed in Aaron Russo's film America: Freedom to Fascism:-
1) Executive Order #11000, which gives the government the authority to force civilians to work in labour brigades under government supervision. Indeed the government has the authority to displace entire populations from towns or cities if it so wishes.
2) Executive Order #11921, giving the president the authority to declare a state of emergency that is neither named nor defined and that Congress cannot review for six months.
3) Senate Bill #1873, giving the government the authority to vaccinate people with untested vaccines against their will.
4) Congressman Sensenbrenner's Bill (HR 1528), a law which requires people to spy on their neighbours and/or wear a wire to this end. Refusal to obey carries a mandatory prison sentence of at least two years.
And before you start thinking, 'Well, at least this doesn't affect me'. Think again. In December 2007, as reported in The Times, the US said it has the legal authority to "kidnap" British citizens if they are wanted for crimes within the United States. Then there are FBI calls to have access to British identity data (as reported in The Guardian in January 2008) in keeping with plans to create an interational database of everyone.
What I'm suggesting is that the troubling prospect of martial law in the US seems to be part of a wider transnational momentom: a momentom geared towards extinguishing any hope we could have of living in a world where 'privacy' and 'liberty' mean anything. Both are under threat, in Britain as much as in the US. And unless this momentom is halted and indeed reversed, then prospects for the future look very bleak. Our government is literally taking liberties to such an extent that it would be quicker to detail the ones we still have rather than the ones that are now denied to us. I'll nevertheless remind you of one liberty that you've lost: the right to make private phone calls. Every conversation you have on your phone, every text message you send or receive, the government has lawful unrestricted access to the lot. This has to stop. We need to start demanding more of ourselves and of our government. There are historical precedents of governments and regimes that curbed liberties to this extent. We called them fascist and totalitarian and in the not too distant past we fought them. Today our government seems to be using them as a blueprint.