Friday, 29 February 2008
The Origin Of Life Made Easy
Monday, 25 February 2008
INTERVIEW: Aaron Russo
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
CHOMSKY: On Corporations and Government
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
FILM: America: Freedom To Fascism

What is the Federal Reserve?
"Paper is is only the ghost of money, not money itself." Thomas Jefferson
The money loaned to the government by the Federal Reserve is loaned at interest. This means that for every dollar in public use interest must be paid to the Federal Reserve. In order to pay the interest more money must be printed, by the Federal Reserve, at interest. Thus creating an endless supply of revenue for the private bankers who own the Federal Reserve.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Income Tax
Friday, 8 February 2008
NOTES: From An Interview With Acharya S
What follows are notes I took from an interview with Acharya S (the pen name of D M Murdoch) conducted on the Conscious Media Network by Regina Meredith in Novermber 2005. Find out more about Acharya S here, or visit her website, here.
Modern icons, such as Christ, are as mythical as Isis, Hercules, Dyonisis.
Most religious ideologies originate from the same source.
The symbol of the cross - which is an instance of a cruciform - is sacred in many ancient religions.
There was a Mexican sun god who was crucified between two thieves.
Sun worship dates back to the beginning of agriculture, tens of thousands of years ago.
Astrological knowledge was crucial agriculturally. It was used to foretell such things as when to plant and harvest crops. It's value was such that astrological information was personified and turned into stories that could be more readily passed from generation to generation. This was in times before there were written texts.
Historically the most powerful have always imposed their religion upon others. Ancient religions were sometimes amalgamated into single, new religions in order for those in power to gain unified control of different cultures or peoples.
It's easier to control and manipulate people through religious ideas more than political ones.
In order to make religion more influential - especially to women - gods were 'brought down to earth' in the form of godmen (Jesus, for instance), into figures that were easier for people to relate to.
Christ/Christos: used many times in the Old Testament to refer to a number of people, including Sirus, the Babylonian king.
Jesus: used over 300 times in the Old Testament, relating to anyone named Joshua. In pre-Christian times there were Joshua worshippers. At the time there was no reason for people to think of Joshua as a real person. Joshua was also a sun god.
Three Positions
1) Jesus Christ existed and was the son of God.
2) Jesus Christ was a man who had the myths subsequently bestowed upon him.
3) Jesus Christ has always been a myth.
Acharya S's basic contention is this: The creators of the Christian gospel tale chose themes and motifs from pre-Christian religions and myths - most notably Egyptian ones - and pieced them together in accordance with Jewish scriptures to produce a unique version of the 'mythos' and 'ritual'. These themes and motifs - such as the sacredness of the cross; the virgin mother giving birth to a divine son or Godman, who taught on earth, was murdered, buried and after three days resurected; the ten commandments, and so on - were all pre-existant in ancient Egypt and were known by millions in the same Mediteranean regions that Christianity first appeared. There is nothing unique about them specifically relative to Christianity.
"The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun."
[Thomas Paine from An Essay on the Origin of Free-Masonry (c.1803-1805), discovered after Paine's death.]
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Come, Lets All Be Hypocritical Bastards
Remember: For all you know there could be a file at this very moment with your name on it. It could detail the names of the people you call, how often you call them, what you say, how often you send text messages and their content. And, thanks to the governments secret Celldar project, this file could detail where you were when you made the calls and sent the text messages. Indeed, in so far as you have a mobile phone and have it switched on, it could detail where you are at this very moment. And you will never know.
And just imagine how useful, or rather, profitable such information would be to large corporations - not to mention the government. Imagine the psychological insight that could be garnered from it. Corporations with the technology to profile and marginalise everyone. A government with the lawful ability to spy on anyone that poses a threat to it.
It is not us that should be subject to this kind of treatment. It is the government. It was they, not us, who invaded two countries. It was they, not us, who endorsed the use of hundreds of tons of depleted uranium in Iraq, a viscious toxic substance whose radioactivity will persist for 4,500,000,000 years and will kill and cause suffering to millions all over the world. And they didn't do this, contrary to their lies, in some fight aginst terrorism or because Iraq posed a threat to us. They attacked Afghanistan and Iraq because of profit and power. Which is exactly the same reason why they're imposing all these barbaric surveillance measures on us.
Sunday, 3 February 2008
Pentagon: To Treat The Internet Like An Enemy "Weapons System" [Ref.]
Saturday, 2 February 2008
The Snow Leopard

[Information below from BBC. Find out more from the Snow Leopard Trust.]
Snow leopards inhabit Central Asia from Afghanistan to Lake Baikal and eastern Tibet.
Snow leopards can live for up to 21 years.
Snow leopards mate between December and March and after 98-104 days of gestation, females give birth to one to five cubs (usually two or three). The cubs stay with their mothers for at least a year.
Snow leopards cannot roar which helps to separate them from the big cats.
Prey is either stalked or ambushed.

They have been recorded living in mountain steppes and coniferous forest scrub at altitudes from 2000-6000m.

Chomsky: The Nazification of Policitcal Speech and Government Action in the US [Ref.]
Pulitzer-Prize winning author Noam Chomsky denounced the Iraq War and "imperialistic" American foreign policy of the Nixon, Reagan and Bush administrations at Roxbury Community College last night.

Chomsky, a renowned linguist often noted as one of the nation's leading leftist intellectuals, condemned Gens. David Petraeus and Ryan Crocker's abusive actions against the Iraqi state to the crowd of more than 500.